Frequently asked questions

Where are the meetings?
We meet at Salem United Methodist Church in Waukesha. See link for location.

What happens at a meeting?
We start by going around the room and introducing ourselves. We state the name of our child and how they died. You can always pass if you are not ready to speak.
We then light a candle in memory of our child if it is their birth month or angel month.
Each month we have a topic of discussion that is posted in advance of the meeting. After the candle lighting we begin our discussion. The topic is a launching point for our discussion. We are flexible and will discuss whatever the group seems to need for that evening. If a member has a particular need or issue we will spend time on that need. Everyone has on opportunity to share, but no one is required to speak. Some meetings you will need to talk and other meetings you will feel more like listening. We feel free to express our tears; however, do not be surprised if you also hear laughter. Sometimes the conversation does lead to laughter, which can be healing.
We end the meetings with business announcements, followed by fellowship and refreshments.

When should I start coming to meetings? Come when you feel you need the support and are ready for interacting with others. Some people come within the first week of the death. The first meeting can be very emotionally taxing. Please remember that it will get better. We suggest attending around 2-3 months after the death of your child.

How long do the meetings last?
Our meetings run for about 1 and 1/2 hours. After the meeting you are invited to stay for fellowship and refreshments. 

How many people attend the meetings?
We have many members. A usual meeting has about 15-20 people in attendance Some members attend monthly, while others attend sporadically when they feel a need for support. Older members often come to help support newer members.